/** * copyright (c), 2011 */ var marked_row = new array; var regexenum = { intege:/^-?\d+$/, //整数 intege1:/^\d+$/, //正整数 intege2:/^((-\d+)|(0+))$/, //负整数 num:/^[0-9]*$/, //数字 // email:/^\\w+((-\\w+)|(\\.\\w+))*\\@[a-za-z0-9]+((\\.|-)[a-za-z0-9]+)*\\.[a-za-z0-9]+$/, //邮件 email:/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[\w-]+(\.(\w)+)*(\.(\w){2,3})$/, notempty:/[^\\0]+/, //非空 english:/[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_]*/, //用来用户注册。匹配由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串 username:/[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_]*/, //用来用户注册。匹配由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串 password:/[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_]*/, //用来用户注册。匹配由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串 date:/^\d{4}-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])$/, //日期 time:/^((\d{2}(([02468][048])|([13579][26]))[\-\/\s]?((((0?[13578])|(1[02]))[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[01])))|(((0?[469])|(11))[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(30)))|(0?2[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])))))|(\d{2}(([02468][1235679])|([13579][01345789]))[\-\/\s]?((((0?[13578])|(1[02]))[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[01])))|(((0?[469])|(11))[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(30)))|(0?2[\-\/\s]?((0?[1-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-8]))))))(\s(((0?[0-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-3]))\:(([0-5][0-9])|([0-9]))(((\s)|(\:(([0-5][0-9])|([0-9]))))?)))?$/ } //气泡提示窗口 function hintdialog(obj_id, obj_title, obj_type) { var objstyle = "style=\"position:absolute;top:" + ($("#" + obj_id).offset().top - 43) + "px;left:" + ($("#" + obj_id).offset().left - 10) + "px;width:200px;\""; var varmessage = "
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this.checked; } } } } // 全选操作 function markall(obj) { if(obj.checked) { if(markallrows('table')) return false; } else { if(unmarkallrows('table')) return false; } } // 全选操作 function markallrows(container_id) { var rows = document.getelementbyid(container_id).getelementsbytagname('tr'); var unique_id; var checkbox; for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) { checkbox = rows[i].getelementsbytagname( 'input' )[0]; if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) { unique_id = checkbox.name + checkbox.value; if ( checkbox.disabled == false ) { checkbox.checked = true; if ( typeof(marked_row[unique_id]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[unique_id] ) { rows[i].classname += ' marked'; marked_row[unique_id] = true; } } } } return true; } function unmarkallrows(container_id) { var rows = document.getelementbyid(container_id).getelementsbytagname('tr'); var unique_id; var checkbox; for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) { checkbox = rows[i].getelementsbytagname( 'input' )[0]; if ( checkbox && checkbox.type == 'checkbox' ) { unique_id = checkbox.name + checkbox.value; checkbox.checked = false; rows[i].classname = rows[i].classname.replace(' marked', ''); marked_row[unique_id] = false; } } return true; } //选择操作模式 function getaction(formname) { selectnum = 0 for (var i = 0; i < eval(formname + ".elements.length"); i++) { var e = eval(formname + ".elements[i]"); if (e.type == 'checkbox') { if (e.checked == true) { selectnum = 1; } } } if (selectnum == 0) { $("info_action").selectedindex = 0; alert("请选择操作对象!"); return false; } eval("document." + formname + ".submit();") $("info_action").selectedindex = 0; } //打开上传模态对话框 function showuploaddialog(textname,opw,oph) { //window.open(functionstr+url,null,"modal=yes,width="+opw*1.2+",height="+oph+",resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no"); window.showmodaldialog("../../upload/upfile.php?textname="+textname,window,"dialogwidth:" + opw + "px;dialogheight:" + oph + "px;help:no;scroll:no;status:no"); } function selcolors(filedname,picname,path) { if (typeof(path)=="undefined" || path==""){path="../../";} var retval; retval = window.showmodaldialog(path+"script/inc/selectcolor/select_color.htm","selcolor","dialogwidth:290px;dialogheight:250px;dialogleft:372px;dialogtop:210px;directories:no;localtion:no;menubar:no;status:no;toolbar:no;scrollbars:yes;resizeable:no;help:no"); if (retval!=null) { document.getelementbyid(filedname).value = retval; if (typeof(picname)!="undefined" && picname != "") { document.getelementbyid(picname).style.backgroundcolor = retval; } } } //设置tags内容 function selecttag(tagsvalueid,tag) { tags = document.getelementbyid(tagsvalueid); if(!tags) tags = document.getelementbyid(tagsvalueid); if (tags.value.indexof(tag) < 0) { if ((tag.indexof(" ")>0) || (tag.indexof(",")>0) || (tag.indexof(" ")>0) || (tag.indexof(",")>0)) { tags.value += " \"" + tag + "\""; } else { if(tags.value=="") {tags.value= tag;} else {tags.value += "," + tag;} } } } //显示隐藏div内容 function displaydiv(tagsvalueid) { tagsdiv = document.getelementbyid(tagsvalueid); if(tagsdiv.style.display=="none") {tagsdiv.style.display="";} else {tagsdiv.style.display="none";} } //上传组件 function uploaddialog(textname) { alert("fdfas"); colorbox({href: "/upload/admin_upfile?textname=" + textname}); } //打开上传模态对话框 function insertuploaddialog(url,opw,oph) { //window.open(functionstr+url,null,"modal=yes,width="+opw*1.2+",height="+oph+",resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no"); window.showmodaldialog(functionstr+url,window,"dialogwidth:" + opw + "px;dialogheight:" + oph + "px;help:no;scroll:no;status:no"); } //打开预览信息模态对话框 function insertinfopreviewdialog(url,opw,oph) { window.showmodaldialog(url,window,"dialogwidth:" + opw + "px;dialogheight:" + oph + "px;help:no;scroll:auto;status:no"); } function switchtag(tag) { var rows=document.getelementbyid("seltage").getelementsbytagname("a"); for (i=1;i/g," "); str = str.replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/g,''); //去除html tag str.value = str.replace(/[ | ]*\n/g,'\n'); //去除行尾空白 str = str.replace(/\n[\s| | ]*\r/g,'\n'); //去除多余空行 str = str.replace(/</g,"<"); str = str.replace(/>/g,">"); str = str.replace(/ /g," "); return str; } function getdescribe(str,str2) { $("#"+str2).value=removehtml($("#"+str).value).substr(0,130); }